Assignment Help- Computer Science

Assignment Help- Computer Science

You will add a data  entry form to the GUI and create a local database that will synchronize  data to the isolated storage container of the mobile device.

  1. Create a second page with a data entry form and the following fields: recipename, category, ingredients, and instructions. 
  2. Make the Category field a dropdown box that contains the recipe categories listed in the Individual Project for Unit 2.
  3. Create Add and Delete buttons.  Assignment Helppplication, and save them in a Word document named  “yourname_ITSD427_IP3.docx.” You should also use this document to  describe the work you performed for this assignment, with specific  details regarding the locations and changes of the code you created and  modified.
  4. Save and close the project. Zip the entire project,  including your screenshots and work description, to a file named  “,” and submit the zip file to the dropbox.
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