Assignment Help-Реrsоnаl rеflесtiоn

Assignment Help-Реrsоnаl rеflесtiоn

Reflect on your experience of working as part of the group in Assignment 1 using concepts and theories from Topic 6: Groups & Teams. This assignment should be written in the first person as it is based on your personal experiences. Reflection enhances learning through the use of both, theory and personal experience.
Your reflection should discuss the following questions:

What group maintenance challenges/advantages did you experience when working in the group? For example, how did the group interact? How supportive were the group members? Did they respect each other’s’ differences?

What task performance challenges/advantages did you experience when working in the group? For example, how did the group discuss and work through the task? What were the group discussions like? Were they regular, focused and relevant to the task? How did decision-making and leadership affect the group’s task performance? What about contributions of group members to the group goals?

What effect did Assignment 1 have on your confidence in working in groups and understanding of groups

Recommend three strategies to manage your own practice of working in groups

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