Compose and revise in a variety of genres that:
- showcase appropriate form and content according to audience and purpose
- demonstrate effective incorporation of primary and secondary research into projects
- feature innovative use of creativity and / or critical thinking
This is the one assignment this term that allows you the most freedom with regard to format and content. You could write two pages consisting of one or more original poems or short stories, if you prefer to write creatively. Or, you could write a 2-page argument paper with research and citations, briefly arguing one very specific point about a subject related to the environment. The limit is firm: 2 pages maximum (although you can choose varied font sizes and spacing within reason).
(Note: you will write a longer, more extended paper later this term. For now, your 2-page project could be a short paper that leads to that longer project later. But for the time being, please keep the focus very narrow and specific. Later you might write “10 myths about sea level rise in coastal cities in the U.S.” but for this 2-pager, maybe focus on “the #1 myth about sea level rise in coastal cities in the U.S.”)
This project may in a traditional Word format or it could be more creative, with original artwork or doodles or handwritten text (you could upload a screen shot of it).
Refer to grading rubric below for grading criteria.
Grading Rubric
Fully MarksNo MarksTotal
Creative project
project uses language or art or both creatively in order to make a point about or express innovative ideas about a nature or environmental theme, experience, story, or memory? (50%)
50 pts.0 pts.50 pts.
Argument Paper
paper includes an original and clear title, engaging opening sentence (or hook), a clear main claim, and a several convincing points (perhaps research) to back up the main claim? Opposing views may be addressed quickly, although a fully extended counter-argument section is not expected for a paper this brief. Language and mechanics are effective in conveying the argument?