Aseptic Transfers & Inoculation Methods

Lab 1

Aseptic Transfers & Inoculation Methods (Ex 1-3)

Streak Plate Method (Ex 1-4)

Aseptic Technique

  • Aseptic = free of contamination
  • Purpose:
  • To keep our cultures from becoming contaminated
  • To keep the lab environment from becoming contaminated
  • To keep us from becoming infected by our cultures

Labeling cultures

  • Always include:
  • The name of the organism or specimen
  • Your name or initials
  • The date inoculated
  • For broths/slants, label so you can still see growth
  • For plates, label on the bottom, the side with the growth medium
  • Label before you inoculate

Sources of Contamination

From our culture’s point of view:

  • us
  • the air
  • objects & surfaces in the environment

From our point of view:

  • the culture

Materials we’ll be using today

  • Culture Media
  • Broths (1 per student)
  • Slants (1 per student)
  • Plates (2 per student)
  • Inoculating Loop
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Flint Striker

Demonstration of slant to broth transfer

(See Ex1-3, p. 32-37 in lab manual)

  • Tube of broth & labeling
  • Aseptic technique
  • Inoculum
  • Transfer to fresh broth
  • Incubation at 37°C

Demonstration of slant to slant transfer

  • Slant & labeling
  • Aseptic technique
  • Inoculum
  • Transfer to fresh slant
  • Incubation at 37°C

Streak Plate Method

  • Purpose: To check or establish the purity of a culture
  • Pure culture = contains a single species
  • Mixed culture = contains more than 1 species
  • Principle: Organisms are diluted out over the surface of a growth medium, so individual cells will grow to form visible colonies
  • Colony = a visible mass of cells
  • 1 cell = 1 colony-forming unit (CFU);
  • The assumption is that 1 cell grows to form 1 colony

Streak Plate Method (see p. 43)
Quadrant Streak Method

* FLAME    

Heat loop

Inoculate culture


1st quadrant

A good streak plate

  • Is appropriately labeled
  • Has appropriate pattern for streak lines
  • Uses the entire plate
  • Has well-isolated colonies
  • Is free of contamination
  • One colony type

Demonstration of Streak Plate Method

  • Agar plate & labeling
  • Aseptic technique
  • Inoculum
  • Streak pattern
  • Incubation (inverted) at 37°C

Expectations: Work as individuals

  • Aseptically transfer from stock slant culture to a fresh broth and to a fresh slant – use “S. marcescens ” or “M. luteus” or “E. coli” or “S. sapro”
  • Label appropriately with the organism, your name or initials, & date
  • Aseptically Streak 1 plate using the quadrant method
  • Use “culture used above”
  • Label appropriately
  • Incubate in plate in inverted position
  • Aseptically Streak a 2nd plate using the quadrant method
  • Use “mixed culture”
  • Label appropriately
  • Incubate in plate in inverted position
  • Put all your cultures into the incubator (37°C), on the shelf for this section

Expectations: Work as individuals

  • After inoculations are complete, Work on Simple Stain from last week
  • Ex. 3.5, pg. 186-187 Making a Bacterial Smear and Simple Stain procedure.

Gather around for demonstration

(use real inoculum)

  • Broth to broth transfer
  • Plate to slant transfer
  • Streak plate method
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