ART 100:What is your opinion of Andy Goldsworthy’s work? Jeanne-Claude & Christo? Do you consider what these artists do art? Why?

Discussion 1

What is your opinion of Andy Goldsworthy’s work? Jeanne-Claude & Christo? Do you consider what these artists do art? Why?

Discussion 2


According to the Innocence Project, eyewitness testimony played a role in convicting 70 percent of the prisoners who were later cleared by DNA evidence. The Innocence Project’s website proposes five procedures; to help stop misidentification of subjects in police line-ups.

Based on what you read in the text about how memory works and how false memories can be formed, do you think these five procedures would help reduce false identifications? Give your answer in your initial discussion post and explain why or why not. Can you think of other suggestions that would reduce false identification? The five procedures are  #1, the Double Blind Administration,  #2, the Line up Composition,  #3, Instructions to the Witness,  (#4) confidence, and (#5) Recording.

Discussion 3

Write a paragraph of about 6 good sentences describing assessment in early childhood.What it is, why do we assess, when do we assess, how do we assess

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