argumentative essay

Humanities 4
Watkins—Winter 2018
Writing Assignment No. 1
Essays are due at the beginning of lecture on Monday, Feb. 5th. The essay should be a minimum
of 5 full pages in length (no more than 7) in the Humanities format,* and a counterargument is
required. Reminder: Do not use outside sources in a Humanities essay. The argument should be
your own, and the only material used should be the assigned readings.
1. Write a thesis-based essay in which you agree or disagree with the following claim: “At
the end of Candide, Candide and his companions have settled into a situation that is
equivalent to Rousseau’s ‘happiest and most durable epoch.’” (pg. 74)
2. Locke and Hume both claim that their conclusions are based on experience. But do their
arguments use experience in the same way? Why or why not?
3. In their critiques of religion, Hume responds to the argument of design, and Voltaire
responds to the argument that this is the best of all possible worlds. To what extent are
their critiques similar?
Submit a paper copy of your essay to your TA in a plain manila folder with your name on it.
Include all your previous Humanities papers in the folder. Before submitting a paper copy at
lecture, you must submit an electronic copy to for textual similarity review.
Information about that will be distributed and discussed in section by your TA.
Late Essays. One day late is -10% (one letter grade). Two days late is -20% (two letter grades).
Papers will not be accepted after two days.
*Handouts are available in the Humanities Custom Handbook and online at

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