application of theories, concepts, and knowledge commonly discussed in the field of study

The purpose of a case study is to provide a more thorough analysis of a situation or “case” which might reveal interesting information that may be applied to future similar situations. Case studies could be written about individuals, teams and their functional dynamics, or organizations. You might be trying to define and clarify a situation or to solve a problem or, more than likely, both. The key is to take the large amount of information and break it down to the level of the individual or single unit.


A case study is an analytical piece. It involves research and application of theories, concepts, and knowledge commonly discussed in the field of study. It highlights common issues and will illuminate those issues through an in-depth study of its application to individuals, companies, governments, or whomever or whatever you are studying.


Basically, you will be recounting a “story” and while describing it you will use concepts from class to help with your discussion.


For Case Study #1 you will be required to reflect on the concepts covered in class and listed below.  Content for your paper will come from a case study provided by your instructor.


Remember to think about and incorporate the following topics from the course content.  Please answer the questions provided to guide the content of your paper.  Your paper should contain concept terms, definitions, examples, and reflection that demonstrate your understanding of the concepts.


The format required includes a title page (1page), an introduction (1-2 paragraphs), sections for each concept (various lengths), and a conclusion (1-2 paragraphs).  Please refer to the “Sample Case Study Structure” section of this document for an example.



  1. Summary of Concepts


Why Study Organizational Behaviour? / Introduction to Human Behaviour / MARS Model of Individual Behaviour and Performance


Outcome #1


Analyze human behaviour, personality, values, and ethics across media and IT disciplines.


The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this outcome:


  • Describe the four factors of the MARS model in relation to individual behaviour.



Personality / Values / Ethics


Outcome #1


Analyze human behaviour, personality, values, and ethics across media and IT disciplines.


The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this outcome:


  • Define personality and how it relates to individual
  • Discuss nature nurture as it relates to personality.
  • Describe the Five-Factor Model of
  • Define values and discuss the conditions under which values influence
  • Discuss Schwartz’s Model of
  • Describe the concept of “value congruence”.
  • Discuss various ethical principles and how they affect individual
  • Discuss the concept of “moral intensity”..


  1. Movie – The Circle



  1. Questions


MARS Model

  1. Apply the MARS model to two characters in the case study. Did each person have the proper motivation to be successful?  Did they have the proper ability?  Did they have the proper role perception?  Did they handle any unusual situations effectively?



  1. Which category of MBTI do you believe two characters belong to and why? Provide examples for each letter of their MBTI category.




  1. Three types of ethical beliefs are utilitarianism, individual rights, and distributive justice. Describe which ethical belief two main characters subscribe to and provide examples.




  1. Which category of Schwartz’s model do you believe two characters demonstrate and why? Provide at least one example per category per character.




  1. Sample Case study Structure



A paragraph or two introducing your document and the concepts you will be using.



MARS Model of Behaviour


Introduction to the MARS Model section.  Please refer to the marking guide at the end of the document regarding which terms and definitions should be included in this section. You must use the same two characters for each section of the MARS model to discuss situations, examples, and reflections.


Motivation (M)

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.


Ability (A)

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.


Role Perceptions (R)

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.


Situational Contingencies (S)

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.



Personality and Myers-Briggs Personality Types


Introduction to the personality and Myers-Briggs Personality Types section.  Please refer to the marking guide at the end of the document regarding which terms and definitions should be included in this section.  Use two separate characters for each example of personality to discuss characters, situations, examples, and reflection.


Character #1

Character #1 would belong to the ABCD personality type according to Myers-Briggs because…

“A” because of this example…

“B” because of this example…

“C” because of this example…

“D” because of this example…


Character #2

Character #2 would belong to the ABCD personality type according to Myers-Briggs because…

“A” because of this example…

“B” because of this example…

“C” because of this example…

“D” because of this example…





Introduction to the ethics section.  Please refer to the marking guide at the end of the document regarding which terms and definitions should be included in this section.  Each example of each character’s ethical perspective may have its own characters, situations, examples, and reflection or all the perspectives may be shown in one larger example.


Ethical perspective of character #1

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.


Ethical perspective of character #2

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.





Introduction to the values section.  Please refer to the marking guide at the end of the document regarding which terms and definitions should be included in this section.  Use two separate characters for each example of  the values category, situations, examples, and reflection.


Values category of character #1

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.


Values category of character #2

Please discuss using characters, situations, examples, and reflection.









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