Application of Professional Development Skills to help organisations realize their strategic directions-Get professional Essay Help Online

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Application of Professional Development Skills to help organisations realize their strategic directions
This unit provides the learner with the methods and techniques to assess the development of their own skills to support the achievement of strategic direction.




The Multinational company you work in has recently asked all its managers to identify their learning and development needs so that the organization can help them in gaining the personal and professional skills needed to support the strategic direction of an organization. In your endeavour kindly address all the below listed points.


The candidate is required to discuss all the learning outcomes in perspective of his/her organization they work in.


Note: Please provide a profile of your company / organization of not more than 1 page. Elaborate on the culture and structure of the entity.




Task 1


Be able to assess personal and professional skills required to achieve strategic goals


LO 1.1.   Use appropriate methods to evaluate personal skills required to achieve strategic goals


LO 1.2. Apply techniques to assess the professional skills required to support the strategic direction of the organization



Note: Prepare and implement a personal development plan through carrying out a skills audit.


Task 2


Be able to conduct a skills audit to identify learning style


LO 2.1.  Carry out a skills audit to evaluate the strategic skills needed to meet current and future leadership requirements


LO 2.2.   Apply appropriate techniques to identify preferred learning style




Task 3


Be able to implement a personal development plan


LO 3.1   Construct a personal development plan that meets leadership development requirements identified in the skills audit


LO 3.2   Use suitable methods to assess the outcomes of a personal development plan against personal work objectives


LO 3.3   Evaluate the impact of own learning against the achievement of strategic goals

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