Apple Cloud and its functionality and capabilities

CIS 336 Week 5 Discussion

1. What is a Cloud” Please respond to the following:

· So, what is Cloud? Cloud is a set of pooled resources delivered over the internet. Cloud allows you to deliver services globally to your customers at the least cost, and with the ability to service a variable workload by scaling the underlying resources up and down to meet the needs of the moment, and at the cost only of the resources consumed.

· From this week’s video, list the Apple Cloud and define its functionality and capabilities.

2. “Essential Characteristics of the Cloud” Please respond to the following:

· On-demand, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, measure service, charge by usage (“pay as you go”) are the essential characteristics of the Cloud.

· From this week’s video, describe essential characteristics to the cloud.

125 words min each question. No need for coversheet.

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