ANT 100 SPRING 2018 Assignment Help Online
MIDTERM // ANT 100 // SPRING 2018
Answer THREE (3) of the following six questions. Your answers should address
every aspect of the question. In order to fully complete the question your
answers should be at around 200-250 words (about 8 to 10 sentences).
1) Comparative evolution of primate species
Approximately how long ago did modern Homo sapiens share a common
ancestor with the Chimpanzee (give or take a million years)? Discuss some of Homo
sapiens distinct morphological (evolutionary) features, and some of the explanations for
their existence. Approximately how old are the oldest stone tools yet discovered by
archaeologists? Approximately when do morphologically modern Homo sapiens (us)
begin to appear in the archaeological record?
2) The Neanderthal
Approximately when did Neanderthals go extinct? What are some of the reasons
archaeologists have given for Neanderthals’ disappearance? What are some key
differences between the physical and social evolution of Homo sapiens and
3) The Neolithic
What defines the Neolithic revolution? What are some explanations
archaeologists have suggested for why human populations transition to Neolithic
lifestyles? Name some of the benefits and some of the drawbacks of a sedentary
agricultural lifestyle. Approximately when and where do archaeologists currently
think that the first agricultural practices took place (give or take a few thousand
years and miles)? Was this the only time that agriculture was “invented” by human
4) Reciprocity & Trade
Explain the concept of reciprocity. Suggest why this concept is so prevalent
across numerous cultures. Do you think the concepts of trade and exchange as they
are understood in the U.S. today would be the same among hunter-gatherer
populations? Why? Is the notion of wealth the same across every culture? Discuss
the relationship between wealth accumulation and the specialization (division) of
5) Castes, Classes & Social Organization
Are caste societies endogamous or exogamous? What do these two terms mean?
What are some ostensible differences between social Classes and Castes? Do you
think the social classes of the United States are endogamous or exogamous? Why?
Which groups (endogamous or exogamous) tend to be more socially stratified (more
6) Ethnocentricism
Define the concept Ethnocentricism. Give specific historical examples of
ethnocentric ideas and behaviors. What are some of the methods that
anthropologists have attempted to move beyond ethnocentricism? How have these
ideas failed or succeeded?