Annotated Bibliography of Sources about LinkedIn Profile

Annotated Bibliography of Sources about LinkedIn Profile

ASSESSMENT: This project will be assessed by your thoroughness and writing clarity.

POINTS: 125 points possible.

PURPOSE: to prepare you for writing a successful Profile.

SAMPLE: “Annotated Bibliography,” by Professor Mike Engle, Cornel University

1)    Read the Links in our Project 1 folder on how to write a LinkedIn profile.

2)    USE 5 or more SOURCES.
a.    Use FIVE or more sources.
b.    Arrange the sources Alphabetically
c.    SUMMARIZE or Paraphrase carefully. Remember, if you borrow specific words and phrases—use quotation marks.
d.    Use MLA or APA citing format for Bibliographic data.
e.    Alphabetize by author’s last name
f.    Purdue OWL on avoiding plagiarism and how to Paraphrase

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