Andrew Carnegie, Russell B. Conwell and Horatio Alger were all apostles of what was called the “Success Gospel” or the “Gospel of Wealth.” What was their message? What kinds of behavior and values did they promote? How might workers such as Thomas O’Donnell (mentioned in Nash pp. 401-2) respond to their message?


HIST 125  US 1865- 1945

Midterm Essay Exam

February 2018


This is a take-home, open-book essay exam. It should be typed, double-spaced, and three to five pages in length. Exams with fewer than three pages of text will receive an F. You are expected to make use of the Nash text, relevant documents, handouts and essays that have been assigned reading in answering any of the questions below.


Be sure to read the guidelines carefully before you begin and use the Citation Guide formats for citing and quoting sources and providing a bibliography. Both of these are posted on the course’s Canvas page.


Answer the following:

Andrew Carnegie, Russell B. Conwell and Horatio Alger were all apostles of what was called the “Success Gospel” or the “Gospel of Wealth.” What was their message? What kinds of behavior and values did they promote? How might workers such as Thomas O’Donnell (mentioned in Nash pp. 401-2) respond to their message? In answering this question, you must make use of the fuller interview with Thomas O’Donnell posted on the course Canvas page. Please note: do not include analysis of photographs by Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine in answering this question; focus on other relevant readings that you have not yet written about.




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