analyze in writing the work of a recognized Fantastic artist in preparation for creating a Fantastic work of your own

The first Fantastic artists were independent of any recognized style and were simply pioneering the genre. Fantastic Art explored the absurd, bizarre, imaginary, whimsical, and grotesque themes of “the other” worlds. Following them, the Fantastic Art era had two major artistic and literary styles: the Dada Movement and the Surrealist Movement. Dada Art sought to convey the importance of an artwork’s concept more than its physical attributes, while the Surrealist Movement challenged artists to create works that reached beyond reality to explore the imagery of the subconscious mind and the imagination.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to closely analyze in writing the work of a recognized Fantastic artist in preparation for creating a Fantastic work of your own. By exploring your own notions of the absurd, or a reality beyond the one that we know, you will push yourself to express something unexpected. Comparing the two works (yours and that of a chosen Fantastic artist) will demonstrate how well you understand Fantastic art and how well you can apply what you know.

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