To identify the effectiveness and administration on the mandatory safety training courses to be provided to
the construction workers in Hong Kong
1. To identify the legislative framework of the mandatory safety training courses (Green Card Training)
currently practiced in Hong Kong
2. To explore the course content and mode of training provided by the course providers
3. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the contents in Green Card course programme to enhance
the OSH performance of the construction workers by observations or interviews
4. To conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of the collected to the key factors in effective OSH
performance of the workers
5. To propose improvement and actions to enhance the effectiveness of green card training for accident
Training in safety is mandatory for employment to carry out construction work in industrial undertakings. From 2001 onward,
only persons who have been trained in basic safety and hold valid certificates (Green Card) are allowed to be employed to carry
out the construction work activities.
The main purpose of implementing the "Green Card" safety training is to raise the safety awareness of workers, the basic
concept of work safety and the potential hazards on construction sites and preventive measures.
Although Safety Training (Green Card Training) is mandatory and under the Legislative regulation, there are still much
casualties of the accident issue. The accident issue proved that the training is not comprehensive and leak of training course.
Moreover, The Commissioner for Labour is empowered by the Ordinance and regulations to recognise mandatory safety
training courses, the successful applicants of mandatory safety training course recognitions must follow the course specific
requirements and to assure the quality of the courses they deliver. Due to the mandatory training course can provided by other
parties, the quality of courses and the integrity of the course providers maybe disparate and irregular. The Labour department
should tighten the course providers mechanism.
In order to reduce the accident issue, safety training course should be review the course content and explore it and improve.
Also, Construction Industry Council has a (Silver Card Course) for safety training course for construction workers of
construction trades of high risk. This course covers twelve specified trades only. All the safety training course should be
applicable for all workers that can increase personal awareness for working training and behavior.
Furthermore, the mandatory safety training cannot but agree to reduce the accident issue. The course including the general
concept of work safety, overview of safety and health legislations related to construction sites, potential hazards and their
preventions, personal protective equipment Introduction, demonstration and practice on safe use of personal protective
equipment, fire prevention measures and use of fire extinguisher, emergency preparedness and accidents and dangerous
occurrences reporting system and procedures. Although the course can provide the general concept for above topic, a part of
course should need to expand the scope of teaching, such as PPE and potential hazards.
Last, discuss the training course importance and other details for construction safety should include in training course and the
effectiveness of green card training for accident prevention.