American History/ Race in America

History 109 Final Essay Questions Write on ONE of the following: 1. Consider the two definitions of racism provided on d2l. Considering all we have studied this term, which definition do you believe is most useful for understanding the history of race in America? Why? 2. Think of 6 specific examples of things you learned in this class that were either different from what you had learned before or were left out of the American history you were taught before. How do those new pieces of information change your understanding of how America got to be the country it is today? 3. Consider the struggles of one of the following groups since roughly 1877. You may choose African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, or Mexican Americans. Considered as a whole, would you consider the struggle of your chosen group for equality to be a success? Explain why or why not. 4. Consider the history of race in America since about 1600. Would you describe it as a story of progress? As a story of decline? Are there elements of both progress and decline? Explain your answer and support it with abundant specific examples.

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