Alzebra Assignment

Solve the following equation involving absolute value: -3│4x – 7│+ 15 = 0


A. {2/3, 3}


B. {1/4, 6}


C. {1/2, 3}


D. {1/5, 3}

Solve the following linear equation: 7(x – 2) = 4(x + 1) – 21


A. x = 0


B. x = -1


C. x = -3


D. x = 3

Solve the following linear inequality:


2x + 5





A. [-7, 13/2)


B. [-12, 7/2)


C. [-3, 8/3)


D. [3, 6/5)

Solve the following absolute value inequality: │3x + 2│ ≥ 3


A. (-∞, -5/3] ∪ [1/3, ∞)


B. (-∞, -6/7] ∪ [5/6, ∞)


C. (-∞, -4/7] ∪ [1/2, ∞)


D. (∞, -6/7] ∪ [1/3, ∞)

Solve the following linear equation:

2x – 3



x -4


x + 1



A. 2


B. 3


C. -6


D. -8

Solve the following radical equation: √(x-3) + 5 = x


A. {2}


B. {5}


C. {9}


D. {7}

Solve the following formula for the specified variable: V = 1/3 lwh for h


A. h = 3V/lw


B. h = 5V/lw


C. h = 2V/ w


D. h = 7V/lw

Solve the following linear equation: -10 – 3(2x + 1) – 8x – 1 = 0


A. x = -2


B. x = 4


C. x = -1


D. x = -2

Solve. Write the solution in interval notation. |x + 4| ≤ 6


A. (–∞, –10) ∪ (2, ∞)


B. (–∞, –10] ∪ [2, ∞)


C. (–10, 2)


D. [–10, 2]

Solve the following linear inequality: x/6 + 1/8 ≤ x/2 – 3/4


A. [21/8, ∞)


B. [12/3, -∞)


C. [4,-∞)


D. (-∞, ∞)

Solve the following quadratic equation: 2×2 + 5x – 3 = 0


A. {-1/2,2}


B. {1/2,3}


C. {2,4}


D. {-1/3,5}

Solve the following quadratic equation: (x + 3)2 + 25 = 0


A. {-4 – 6i, -1 + 4i}


B. {-4 – 6i, -2 + 5i}


C. {-3 – 5i, -3 + 5i}


D. {-6 – 5i, -2 + 4i}

Solve the following equation quadratic in form: x2/3 – 9×1/3 + 8 = 0


A. {1, 219}


B. {1, 328}


C. {1, 129}


D. {1, 512}

Solve: 9x + 8 = 2x + 8


A. –1


B. 0


C. 1


D. 2

Which statement is FALSE?


A. d ∉ {a, b, c}


B. Ø ∈ {a, b, c}


C. Ø ⊂ {a, b, c}


D. a ∈ {a, b, c}

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