
Presentation Purpose
To provide you with an opportunity to learn more about a specific topic/theme related to Addictions by engaging with a scholarly article in the field.
To teach your peers about your topic/theme/reading so that they too may expand their learning of issues around Addictions.

Assigned Topics
Your presentation will be of a topic that will be randomly assigned to you. A class list will be prepared (TO BE POSTED SOON) where you will find your specific group and topic.

Presentation Format
You get into groups of 5.
You have 25 minutes (5 minutes per student) for presentation plus 5 minutes of peer discussion.
Journal reflection (use a folder to organize your reflections)
State the presentation topic/theme (i.e., the topic of the assigned reading) and then outline three (3) key points that the presenter gave in his/her discussion of it. (Bullet points are fine, but complete sentences and fully articulated ideas are required): Minimum 250 words.
Discuss something new that you learned in the presentation AND how you will incorporate it into your own learning about Psychology of Education (complete sentences required): Minimum 250 words.

PPT plus 2 pages (double spaced) of presentation contents (in word document): 10%
Presentation = 5%
Presentation journal reflection = 10%

The presentation will be graded based upon the following factors (as outlined on Evaluation Form):
Clear articulation/overview of the reading
Direct reference to the reading
How the reading fits into the course
Organized sequence of points
Level of engagement with your audience (i.e., not simply reading your notes)
A demonstration of effort

Missed Assignment Policy
Absence from the Presentation Day must be discussed with Dr. Zangeneh. Documented evidence of a family, medical, or analogous emergency or crisis may be required.

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