African American Studies Homework- provide Interpretation of your evidence in relation to the argument

African American Studies Homework Due On 2/24 At 6pm Pacific Time.


No Plagiarism.

For this assignment, you will write 6 critical response paragraphs based on the two readings (introduction and Chapter 4).

Critical response paragraphs do not simply summarize the text or evaluate whether or not you like the text; they are a 7- to 10-sentence persuasive and focused analysis, argument, or interpretation about the text).

There are four parts to a critical response paragraph:

1) An argumentative topic sentence.

2) Evidence in the form of quotations or paraphrases for the argument you are making.

3) Interpretation of your evidence in relation to the argument.

4) A strong concluding statement. Follow the guidelines under each part to help you write a critical response paragraph. Do not write a plot summary. Engage the text.

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