Advanced Project Management QEM 545

The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout th e course.
Advanced Project Management QEM 545

Spring 2018
Course Objective
The course is designed to provide students with in-depth training and education of
advanced project management knowledge and techniques. The course will prepare
students to master advanced topics using MS Project software and project management
Students only need to purchase either the E-text or the Paperback book.
eText ISBN: 9781119298281
Print ISBN: 9781119126355
Course Format
Activity Points Topic(s)
1 Proficiency Assessments 0 Weekly Subject
2 Mastery Assessments (30 x 10 pts) 300 Weekly Subject
3 Quizzes (15 x 10 pts) 150 Lessons 1 – 15
2 Discussion Board (15 x 5 pts) 75 Weekly Subject
3 Microsoft Consolidated Project Schedule 280 Microsoft Project
Total 805
Grading Policy
All quizzes and projects will be administered through the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) online
Academic Conduct
Cheating on examinations, submitting work of other students as your own, or plagiarism
in any form will result in penalties ranging from an F on the assignment to expulsion
from the university, depending on the seriousness of the offense.
Grade Assignment
A: 805 – 721
B: 720 – 643
C: 642 – 561
D: 560 – 483
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t2h e course.
Software Resource
You will need to use MS Project 2016 in this class. The College of Engineering is now a
member of the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (MSDNAA), also known
as Dream Spark. This program allows faculty, staff and students to install Microsoft
software products included in the MSDN Academic Alliance Subscription for
instructional and non-commercial research use. The software may also be installed on
personal computers for teaching, study and research at no cost. Faculty, staff and
students in the College of Engineering are allowed to obtain one copy and one key for
each software title as applicable for use within the licensing terms.
Go to the Engineering MSDNAA Portal:
Click on the “Sign In” link at the top right side of the page
Click the “Register” button in the lower part of the page.
In the “Username (email address)*” box, enter your DAWGTAG (85xxxxxxx
without the siu)
Follow the prompts to continue the registration process
Students are expected to participate in class sessions each week. There is a, one week
window of opportunity to complete requisite work. All assignments are due at 11:00 PM
on the date specified below (Sunday Night). Plan ahead and work ahead because there
will be no extended time allowed for make-up
Time Allocation
Week Ending 21 Jan Lesson 1
Week Ending 28 Jan Lesson 2
Week Ending 4 Feb Lesson 3 Choose tasks for Consolidated Project Schedule
Week Ending 11-Feb Lesson 4
Week Ending 18-Feb Lesson 5
Week Ending 25 Feb Lesson 6
Week Ending 4- Mar Lessons 7 & 8
Week Ending 11-Mar Lesson 9
Week Ending 18-Mar Lesson Semester Break
Week Ending 25-Mar Lesson 10
Week Ending 1-Apr Lesson 11
Week Ending 8-Apr Lesson 12
Week Ending 15-Apr Lesson 13
Week Ending 22-Apr Lesson 14
Week Ending 29 Apr Lesson 15
Week Ending 6-May Consolidated Project Schedule due
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t3h e course.
Instruction Method
Methods of instruction and learning include reading the textbook and Power Point
presentations, completing lesson exercises, participating in class discussions, and a
final project.
Be aware that as you proceed through your text that you are regularly required to
retrieve your work from a previous lesson and expand upon it by applying the current
lesson exercise(s). The text regularly refers to, “follow your instructor’s direc”t ion
regarding where and how you save these. Your instructor is giving you the freedom to
save these how you desire.
For ease of access during your study time, you will want to copy the practice files so
you can follow the directions in the text for each exercise. By copying the practice files,
you will be better able to learn the lessons rather than recreate each file yourself.
Microsoft Project Companion Site
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. In Internet Explorer, go to the student companion site:
3. Search for your textbook title (Microsoft Project 2016) in the upper right corner.
4. On the Search Results page, locate your book and click, the Visit the
Companion Sites link.
5. Select Student Companion Site from the pop-up box
Quizzes are based on the stated learning objectives from each chapter. Quizzes will be
a mix of 10 M/C, T/F, Matching and Fill-in-the-blank style questions. Quizzes will be
made available to students immediately after they have reviewed all of the chapter’s
material, completed and submitted their Proficiency and Mastery Assessments.
Discussion Board Participation
A PowerPoint presentation coincides with each lesson in the text. There is an entry for
each week on the discussion board where you will find one question/statement that
relates to the week’s lesson. Read the textbook and the PowerPoint presentations,
complete the exercises, and then join your peers in the discussion area to comment and
discuss how you and your peers are applying the lesson information. Valuable insight
and understanding will result from genuine, enthusiastic participation. The discussion
topic each week is worth 5 points. You are expected to participate each week.
Discussion board topics will close at 11:00 PM each Sunday.
Discussion Board Grading Rubric
3.5 points – The student has answered only some of the question or did
not address the question with an adequate level of articulation.
4.0 points – The student has answered the question(s) completely and
provided a successful response.
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t4h e course.
4.5 points – The student has answered the question(s) successfully and
engaged other classmates in robust discussion on their responses.
5.0 points – The student has not only answered the question(s) and
engaged others in discussion, but has provided insightful commentary
and/or offered additional outside material to enhance the discussion.
A 0.5-point deduction will result for anyone who posts the bulk of the discussion
posts on the last (day) of the lesson.
Proficiencies Assessments
In your textbook you will find two “Proficiency Assessment” exercises at the end of
every chapter lesson. You are to complete these assessments for each lesson and
submit via D2L Assignment Box. The directions in the textbook tell you how to exit the
assessment item. It might say, “Save and close” or “Leave open for next exercise”;
regardless, you will submit the exercise at that point. Your instructor will use these to
assess your progress. The assessments will not be graded, but failure to submit them
will result in an incomplete for the course.
Mastery Assessments
In your textbook you will find two “Mastery Assessment” exercises at the end of every
chapter lesson. You are to complete these assessments for each lesson and submit via
D2L Assignment Box. The Mastery Assessments allow you to practice the skills you
learn in each lesson. These exercises designated in D2L will be submitted via
Assignment Box for a grade. Submit the files by the date specified in D2L. Your
instructor will award 0 – 10 points for each Mastery Assessment.
Microsoft Consolidated Project Schedule
At semester end, you are required to submit a, “Consolidated Project Schedule”
consisting of three projects occurring simultaneously “. There is a sample project called,
“Tailspin Remote Drone” used in nearly all of the exercises in your textbook. This
project exemplifies a comprehensive single project schedule. Creating three
comparable project schedules and consolidating them into one master project that
shares resources is the goal for your semester project. Your single project schedule
may not necessarily be as long as the “Tailspin Remote Drone” example. NOTE: This
project is due at the end of the last regular week of the semester and you will need to
work ahead to have it completed by that deadline.
You may choose your own projects or use any or all from the list below.
A new major equipment installation w/ concrete floor configuration. Your crew,
in addition to their regular duties will be working with the contractors.
A building renovation of a working manufacturing operation. The renovation
involves construction of a building extension and an upgrade of the electrical
system, including new lighting.
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t5h e course.
Automation of a production line. The line consists of automated delivery
system installed last quarter making component parts available to be
assembled, tested and placed in queue for pick-up by a forklift.
Automation of 300,000 sq. ft. warehouse. The warehouse is attached to a
production operation manufacturing household appliances and must remain
operational during the upgrade.
Reorganization of a receiving area to accommodate rail shipments. The
railroad will handle the installation of the tracks. A building extension and new
truck docks have to be readied in a six-month window.
Moving an operation with multiple manufacturing lines into a new building and
making the necessary improvements to the old building, readying it for a new
manufacturing line. Production will shut down on Wednesday at 11:00 PM for
a four-day holiday and will resume on Monday morning at 7:00 AM.
The design of a 6 Sigma project conducted at your workplace. Include the
Charter Statement and the DMAIC process steps.
Champion the implementation of ISO 9000 at your workplace. You have
been instructed to schedule your certification audit in twelve months. Your
team will still be responsible for their routine responsibilities.
Your project choices are to be approved by the instructor before the end of the third
week of the semester.
You are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor midway through the
semester for a review of your semester project.
Your project is to be submitted during the last week of the semester utilizing the
Assignment Box in D2L.
Grading Rubric for Consolidated Project Schedule
ITEM Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Document Cover 2 points
3 points
Professional appearance,
not in APA format
5 points
APA format
Table of Contents 0 points
Not included
3 points
Not Justified and/or
5 points
Justified left and right and
correctly linked to the
actual page numbers.
Charter Statement 2 points
Poorly worded, difficult
to follow, few details
4 points
Adequately explained,
somewhat organized, some
5 points
Articulated, well organized
with comprehensive
Reports from your project as if presented to stakeholders
10 points 15 points 20 points
A Resource Sheet
View for people,
equipment materials
and money. (fig. 2.1
pg. 29 of your text)
Less than 15
resources named and
less than 2 resource
types identified.
Less than 20 resources
named and 2 or less
resource types identified.
25 or more resources
named and all resource
types identified.
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t6h e course.
A phase or any
portion of a Gantt
Chart showing
resources assigned
(fig. 3-4 pg. 51 of your
Less than 15
resources named and
less than 2 resource
types identified.
Less than 20 resources
named and 2 or less
resource types identified.
25 or more resources
named and all resource
types identified.
A phase or any
portion of a Gantt
Chart showing critical
path, non-critical
tasks and slack (float)
time (fig. 13-3 pg.
241 of your text)
Less than 10 critical
and/or less than 5
non-critical tasked
named and no slack
identified or quantified.
Less than 20 critical and/or
less than 10 non-critical
tasked named and slack
20 or more critical and 10
or more non-critical tasks
named and Slack
An Earned Value
Table in the task
sheet view (fig. 11-16
pg 215 in your text)
Less than 10 tasks
Less than 20 tasks
Twenty or more tasks
WBS codes and
unique ID’s in the task
sheet view (fig. 14-1
pg. 259 in your text)
Includes 1 phase
and/or 15 or less
Includes 1 or 2 phases
and/or less than 20 tasks.
Includes 2 or more phases
and 20 or more tasks.
A network Diagram
view of any portion or
a phase of your
project using nodes to
represent each task.
(fig. 14-2 pg. 267 in
your task)
Includes 15 or fewer
Includes less than 20 tasks. Includes 20 or more tasks.
Microsoft Master
Project File
50 points
A simple master
project consisting of 3
projects; anyone of
which has less than 10
tasks or a
preponderance of
Finish-to-Start (FS)
tasks and/or utilizes
less than 4 resources.
75 points
A moderately complex
master project schedule
consisting of 3 projects; any
one of which has less than
twenty tasks but utilizes all
4 resource types, including
a preponderance of Startto-
Start (SS) and Finish-to-
Finish (FF) task
relationships, extensive use
of “Summary Tasks”,
“Milestones”, “Phases”,
“Sharer Files” and
“Resource Calendars”.
100 points
A complex master project
schedule consisting of 3
projects each containing
more than twenty tasks
and the inclusion of all 4
resource types, utilizing a
preponderance of Start-to-
Start (SS) and Finish-to-
Finish (FF) task
relationships, extensive
use of “Summary Tasks”,
“Milestones”, “Phases”,
“Sharer Files” and
“Resource Calendars”.
Project Scenarios. Include Reports, custom views, memos and any other communication tools.
5 points 10 points 15 points
As the Project
Manager, what
actions would you
take when your
budget is reduced by
The use of 2 or fewer
“Project” tools or views
to communicate
actions taken to
comply with the
mandated change
The use of “Project” tools
or views including,
Resource Calendars,
Resource Pools and
reports and custom views
to communicate the impact
The effective use of
“Project” tools or views
including, Resource
Calendars, Resource
Pools and reports and
custom views to
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t7h e course.
and/or a memo with
poorly thought out
plans or actions.
the changes have on
budget, resources, critical
path and other agreed upon
KPI’s., and/or a memo
leaving him with questions
regarding the actions
implemented to comply with
the change.
communicate the impact
the changes have on
budget, resources, critical
path and other agreed
upon KPI’s., and a detailed
memo explaining actions
implemented to comply
with the change.
As the Project
Manager, how would
you respond when
you learn 10% of your
workforce is out with
the flu?
The use of 2 or fewer
Project tools to
communicate actions
taken to comply with
the mandated change
and a memo with ill
thought out plans or
The effective use of Project
tools including, Resource
Calendars, Resource Pools
and reports and custom
views to communicate the
impact the changes have
on budget, resources,
critical path and other
agreed upon KPI’s., with a
memo leaving him with
questions regarding the
actions implemented to
comply with the change.
The effective use of
Project tools including,
Resource Calendars,
Resource Pools and
reports and custom views
to communicate the impact
the changes have on
budget, resources, critical
path and other agreed
upon KPI’s., and a detailed
memo explaining actions
implemented to comply
with the change.
As the Project
Manager, you learn
time allocated for
your Master Project
has been cut by 15%.
What actions do you
The use of 2 or fewer
Project tools to
communicate actions
taken to comply with
the mandated change
and a memo with ill
thought out plans or
The effective use of Project
tools including, Resource
Calendars, Resource Pools
and reports and custom
views to communicate the
impact the changes have
on budget, resources,
critical path and other
agreed upon KPI’s., with a
memo leaving him with
questions regarding the
actions implemented to
comply with the change.
The effective use of
Project tools including,
Resource Calendars,
Resource Pools and
reports and custom views
to communicate the impact
the changes have on
budget, resources, critical
path and other agreed
upon KPI’s., and a detailed
memo explaining actions
implemented to comply
with the change.
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t8h e course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, students should know and understand the following:
1. Lesson1 – Project Basics
1.1 Navigate Microsoft Project 2016
1.2 Create a Project Schedule
1.3 Define Project Calendars
1.4 Enter Tasks and Task Details
1.5 Use Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
1.6 Link Tasks
1.7 Document Tasks
1.8 Review the Project Schedule’s Duration
2. Lesson 2 – Establishing Resources
2.1 Establish people resources
2.2 Establish equipment resources
2.3 Establish material resources
2.4 Establish cost resources
2.5 Establish resource pay rates
2.6 Adjust resource working times
2.7 Add resource notes
3. Lesson 3 – Resource and Task Assignments (Fundamentals)
3.1 Assign work resources to tasks
3.2 Add more resource assignments to tasks
3.3 Assign material resources to tasks
3.4 Assign cost resources to tasks
4. Lesson 4 – Refining Your Project Schedule
4.1 Apply a task calendar to an individual task
4.2 Change task types
4.3 Split a task
4.4 Establish recurring tasks
4.5 Apply task constraints
4.6 Review the project’s critical path
4.7 View resource allocations over time
5. Lesson 5 Fine-Tuning Tasks
5.1 Manage task constraints and dependencies
5.2 Set deadline dates
5.3 Establish task priorities
5.4 Establish a manually scheduled task
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout t9h e course.
6. Lesson 6 – Fine Tuning Resources
6.1 Enter material resource consumption rates
6.2 Enter costs per use for resources
6.3 Assign multiple pay rates for a resource
6.4 Apply different cost rates to assignments
6.5 Specify resource availability at different times
6.6 Resolve resource over allocations manually
6.7 Level over allocated resources
7. Lesson 7 – Project Information: Sorting, Grouping, and Filtering
7.1 Sort data
7.2 Group data
7.3 Filter data
8. Lesson 8 – Project Schedule Formatting (Fundamentals)
8.1 Format a Gantt Chart
8.2 Draw in a Gantt Chart
8.3 Change text appearance in a view
8.4 Create and edit tables
8.5 Create custom views
9. Lesson 9– Project Schedule Tracking Fundamentals
9.1 Establishing a project baseline
9.2 Tracking a project as Scheduled
9.3 Entering the Completion Percentage for a Task
9.4 Identifying overbudget tasks and resources
9.5 Identifying time and schedule problems
10. Lesson 10 – Project Reporting
10.1 Select and print a dashboard report
10.2 Customize and print a report
10.3 Reporting project status
10.4 Using visual reports
10.5 Customizing and printing a view
11. Lesson 11 – Advanced Project Schedule Tracking
11.1 Record actual start, finish, and duration values of tasks
11.2 Adjust remaining work or duration of tasks
11.3 Evaluate performance with earned value analysis
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus anytime throughout 1t0h e course.
12. Lesson 12 – Integrating Microsoft Project with Other Programs
12.1 Use a GIF image to display project information
12.2 Use the Timeline view to display project information
12.3 Save project information in other file formats
13. Lesson 13 – Project Schedule Optimization
13.1 Make time and date adjustments
13.2 View the project’s critical path
13.3 Delay the start of assignments
13.4 Apply contours to assignments
13.5 Optimize the project schedule
14. Lesson 14 – Advanced Project Scheduling Format
14.1 Customize the calendar view
14.2 Use Task IDs and WBS codes
14.3 Format the Network Diagram
15. Lesson 15 – Managing Multiple Projects
15.1 Manage consolidated projects
15.2 Create task relationships between projects
Emergency Procedures
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy
environment for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are
beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the SIUC Emergency
Response Plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) program.
Emergency response information is available on posters in buildings on campus,
available on BERT’s website at, Each Department of Safety’s website (disaster drop down) and in Emergency Response Guideline
pamphlet. Know how to respond to each type of emergency.
Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event
of an emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these
instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering
emergency. The Building Emergency Response Team will assist your instructor in
evacuating the building or sheltering with the facility.

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