Advanced Project Management Assignment Help

Advanced Project Management Assignment Help
OPM 380 Advanced Project Management
Practical Sessions
Instructions for Managing the Course Project
In addition to the class-based practical exercises, the course project is designed to help
the students apply the learnt skills on individually selected real-life projects. These
project-based exercises are planned and integrated sequentially as the course progresses,
thus they are expected to be applied to the selected projects to achieve its expectations
and deliverables. The student himself/herself together with the identified project
stakeholders will constitute the required project resources. The instructor will discuss,
explain, and run each of the required assignments in class using a running case throughout
the course.
Some templates will be provided to use in specific requirement, but the students often
are encouraged to develop or search for an alternative template.
Knowledge gained and practiced in the OPM310, specifically in developing the project
charter, identifying project stakeholders, and documenting project scope, schedule, and
Submission Date
This will be announced by the instructor, normally in week 12. However students are
strongly encouraged to complete the assignment as the subject relevant to the
assignment is discussed during the course. The completed work will not be marked, but
the student can improve on it and is filed for the final submission.
Submission format
The submission of the below assignments will be divided in two parts, each part is
submitted as a single PDF file through Moodle. The date for each submission will be
announced by the instructor.
Required Assignments
1. Select a project and develop its project charter.
2. Develop a business case to secure support of the senior management. Base your
arguments on the project’s benefits aligned with the business vision, mission, goals,
and objectives.
3. Assess the alignment of the project using the system approach.
4. Use weighted selection model to select a suitable project manager.
Dr. Mohammed Kafaji Page 2 of 2
College of Business
OPM 380 Advanced Project Management
Practical Sessions
Instructions for Managing the Course Project
5. Use pairwise selection approach to select between suppliers.
6. Apply the NPV concept to evaluate the feasibility of the project.
7. Use Cause-and-effect tool to identify root causes of quality related issue.
8. Apply EVM to evaluate project progress.
9. Report progress (using status and progress reports)
10. Develop lesson learned document.
11. Develop project closure document.
1. The selected project is recommended to be simple and easy to manage, but must be
consistent with the running case as discussed in class.
2. The allocated mark for the project as set in the published syllabus.
3. Students can discuss or work together on the assignments, but each student must
apply the concept to his/her specific project. Such that all assignments are managed
in an integrated manor.
4. The assignments may be changed by the instructor as the project progress and as
seen appropriate.

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