ADMN 2100H WI 18 Group Management Report and Poster Presentation Assignment Help Online

ADMN 2100H WI 18 Group Management Report and Poster Presentation Assignment Help Online

ADMN 2100H WI 18 Group Management Report

The management report is a team exercise where groups of 2 – 5 students will investigate the marketing practices
of a brand. Students will gather both secondary and primary information, through a combination of field visits,
interviews, surveys or other methods as well as a thorough search of available secondary data, about the brand’s
marketing management activities. Using this data, the team will identify a problem in the brands’ marketing
management or an unaddressed opportunity and recommend adjustments to the brands’ marketing management
activities to address the problem or opportunity.
Each team will be given a list of brands from which to choose.
An email with the Team Number and the list of team members and their choice of brand must be submitted by
email to the Professor by midnight on Friday 9, 2018..

Presentation (15 marks)
Presentation of your Management Report will be in the form of a Poster Presentation during our final class time on
Wednesday 6 December.
Plan on having four linear feet on which to place your display which will have to be free standing as it will be on a
able. We may not have enough tables so we may have to improvise.
A panel of judges will evaluate your poster presentation.
Submitted in a separate drop box by Friday 6 April at 10:00 am.
There are 10 marks for each team member. For example a team of 5 people has 50 marks, you know the drill.
Each team member must submit a peer evaluation sheet. The total number of marks for each team must be
allocated amongst the team members. The marks allocated to each team member must add up to the total
number of marks available for that team. You must include your own name in the list.
The Professor may use this peer assessment as one of the inputs to adjust the individual marks.


Written Report (15 marks)
Due in the drop box by Thursday 5 April, 2018 8:00 am. MS Word or PDF files ONLY
Items 4 – 12 must not exceed 10 pages. Items 1,2,3, 13 and 14 are not included in the 10 page limit.
Your Report should cover the following, but you may include other sections if there is relevance:
1. Cover Page (separate page)
2. Executive Summary (separate page)
3. Table of Contents (separate page)
4. A short description of the company that owns the brand.
5. Description of the brand and the products or services under the brand umbrella. What kind of products or
services are they?
6. What position does this brand occupy in the company’s portfolio?
7. How strong is the brand?
8. Identification of the target segment or segments for your brand.
9. A positioning statement for the brand using the template on the course blackboard site.
10. A description of the current marketing activities that you can gather through any observational method.
You may include examples of past activities if they illustrate a point.
11. Exploratory research to identify a problem in the brand’s marketing activities or to identify a new
opportunity that fits into the positioning statement for the brand that you have provided.
12. Recommend adjustment or additions to the marketing activities to address the issue or to take advantage
of the new opportunity.
13. References.
14. Exhibits.

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