. Analyze at least 3 (three) items on the income statement for your base company that would be important to an investor, and discuss whether your company’s performance related to these items appeared to be improving, deteriorating, or remaining stable. Justify your answer. You have been introduced to many different financial ratios throughout this course as well as in ACC100, be sure to use Ch 13 as a reference for including important analysis and ratios to support your answer.
- Analyze at least 3 (three) items on the balance sheet for your base company that would be important to an investor, and discuss whether your company’s performance related to these items appeared to be improving, deteriorating, or remaining stable. Justify your answer. You have been introduced to many different financial ratios throughout this course as well as in ACC100, be sure to use Ch 13 as a reference for including important analysis and ratios to support your answer.
- Analyze your base company’s investing and financing activities for the most recent year as identified in the statement of cash flows, specifically identifying the two largest investing activities and the two largest financing activities. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the investing and financing strategies that your company appears to be employing. (You may want to refer to Ch 12)
- Overall comparison and summation. If you were making a decision to invest in one of the two companies, which company would you choose? The analysis that you explored in #2 through #4 above should be consistent with what you are presenting here.
- You must submit the URLs for the 10K or Financial Statements that you used to research this paper.
- Your analysis must include page references to relevant portions of the annual reports and/or references to the Financial Statement or Notes to the Financial Statements.
- Your report must also contain appropriate quotation marks for quoted material and appropriate citations for material taken from sources outside the financial statements.
- Your analysis is limited to 3 (three) pages, and must be typed, double-spaced and can included any amount of supporting schedules, graphs or other visual aides that you would like
https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1618921/000114036116083198/form10k.htm (2016)
https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1618921/000114036115038791/form10k.htm (2015)
https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/64803/000006480316000074/cvs-20151231x10k.htm (2016)
https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/64803/000006480315000008/cvs-20141231x10k.htm (2015)