ABS200 Week 5 Discussion Replies

Respond to Peers:Review several of your classmates’ posts, and by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion. In your reply to your classmates, you must identify usage of applied behavioral science concepts in your classmates’ posts. In addition, ask questions that might help to further your understanding of the discussion or take the discussion to a deeper level. Did you agree with their conclusions based on the examples they presented? Why, or why not? Did they communicate the concepts from the readings in a clear, accurate, and precise manner? Explain. View the Critical Thinking Community (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website for further assistance.


Candace Lyons

FridayJan 26 at 11:50amManage Discussion Entry

I worked as an executive assistant to the Garrison Commander who was a Colonel in the Army. I had expressed interest in moving to another position and told him my future goals. He really invested time with me and challenged me to do more and do it better. He led by example and he also empowered me to take over projects and lead teams. He would task me to do things that I had never done before and write speeches for him to deliver at observances. I was very frustrated at first. When I messed up, which I did a lot of at first, he called me in his office and asked me to explain my rationale. Then he would walk me through his thought process and introduced me to resources that he used. When he moved on to his next assignment, I was offered and accepted a position working as an advisor to a 3-Star General. He really played a major role in launching my career.

I would describe him as a transformational leader. “Transformational leaders motivate and inspire their followers to exceed expectations and foster personal growth” (Mühlberger and Traut-Mattausch, 2015, p. 201). He really challenged me to think more strategically, provided constructive feedback, and invested time into my professional development. He knew I had a vested interest in mission success and that I would give my all. He gave me the confidence to believe in my abilities and pursue my goals. He also gave me stern reminders to go back to school and get my degree.

I currently work with international allies and across the globe. Globalization has changed the workplace, requiring people to understand the strength in diversity and cultural ethics. Each Presidential administration changes the dynamics of international relationships. Industry and Organizational psychologist can help people discover the world from other vantage points.

According to our text, “self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her ability to successfully complete the steps required for a given task or to achieve a certain goal” (McCarthy Et. 2016). The Commander changed my belief in my abilities and what I could achieve if I applied myself. He was very confident in his own abilities.

I always try to achieve optimal performance at work. I give too much of my best sometimes and have nothing left by the time I have to finish homework. I need to set SMART goals for myself and work to prioritize them so that I am not overloaded and unable to accomplish the things that are most important.

McCarthy, C. J., DeLisi, M., Getzfeld, A. R., McCarthy, C. J., Moss-King, D. A., Mossler, R., Privitera, G. J., Spence, C., Walker, J. D., Weinberg, R. S., & Youssef-Morgan, C. M. (2016). Introduction to applied behavioral science [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Mühlberger, M. D., & Traut-Mattausch, E. (2015). Leading to Effectiveness Comparing Dyadic Coaching and Group Coaching. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 51(2), 198-230. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.



Jauron James

FridayJan 26 at 12:20pmManage Discussion Entry

Identify the leader.

Although I did not care for this individual during my time at Marine Corps boot camp, the leader that I chose for this discussion is Drill Instructor Morgan (United States Marine Corps.

Provide specific examples of what this person did and/or said to impact your career/work attitudes and behaviors.

So as we all know depending on the individual, no matter the branch of service one chooses, military boot camp will have its share of difficulties. Growing up I was very cocky and athletic. I was the type of person that I would not give a person the satisfaction of thinking they got the best of me or would not allow them to tell me I couldn’t accomplish something. He did just that. He told me that I wasn’t good enough and wouldn’t make it to graduation. Through physical fitness, Drill Instructor Morgan challenged me each and each day to push far beyond what I had believed my personal limitations to be. Long story short, within my career and life he showed how not to allow personal expectations to limit me in my growth. He taught me how to push past the pain and adversity which has translated into who I am today as a child of God, husband, father, and Marine.

Review the Instructor Guidance and describe the leadership behaviors of the person you selected in terms of transactional and transformational leadership styles.

Transactional – First and foremost, as for contingent rewards, that’s funny. We were lucky receiving 5 minutes to eat. I will say that he was very active and passive in the management of the recruits. In the beginning he was constantly down our throats until we began to learn what was expected of us, then he took a passive role by giving us a little more freedom. Until we messed up then the consequences would be worse than before.

As for transformational, I wouldn’t say it was the individual but the process, the challenges that we endured. They were just a part of the systematic approach of tearing and recruit down and building them back up into a United States Marines.

Consider the information in the textbook about our rapidly changing environment and the impact of globalization on business environments. Specify what types of education, training, and/or relevant experiences you will need to be prepared to thrive in a rapidly changing, global workplace.

When it comes to myself and this question, I would use my experience within the Marine Corps to successfully manage in a rapidly changing field. In the military, we a constantly evolving in our system and updating our policy. For us we must continue to evolve and be well rounded, so change is nothing new. We should all seek to find better practices to improve the workplace.

Examine the uses and applications of self-efficacy research in relation to both the leader you selected and your own approach to learning and work. Specifically, explore the role of self-efficacy in the leader’s and your own learning motivation and workplace behavior.

Like I said before, Drill Instructor Morgan was in place to facilitate the learning process. While they took great pride in tearing us down, they also helped build confidence in ourselves by accomplishing task that we didn’t think we could be where it was to jumping off the repel tower, and completing the Crucible. By going through that 13 week period it changed my belief about what I could accomplish. Individuals develop a sense of self-efficacy from personal performance, learning by example, social interactions, and how they feel in a situation (McCarthy, DeLisi, Getzfeld, McCarthy, Moss-King, Mossler, Privitera, Spence, Walker, Weinberg & Youssef-Morgan, 2016, sect 8.3)

Select at least two basic science topics from Chapter 10: Sport Psychology, and describe how these topics are also relevant to your learning and career/work settings (e.g., optimal performance, optimal development, optimal experience, competition, self-determination theory, social loafing, goal-setting, etc.).

Although the Marine Corps is a brotherhood, we are also in competition when it comes to promotion. That very thing drives to seek self-improvement in hopes that our body of work outweighs the next Marine. Goal-setting also proves to be very important as well constantly have requirements that must be met in order to complete the mission. Unlike other careers, mission accomplishment for service members can prove to be life or death for someone.


McCarthy, C. J., DeLisi, M., Getzfeld, A. R., McCarthy, C. J., Moss-King, D. A., Mossler, R., Privitera, G. J., Spence, C., Walker, J. D., Weinberg, R. S., & Youssef-Morgan, C. M. (2016). Introduction to applied behavioral science [Electronic version].Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/


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