Urgent Essay Help-Discuss several things you learned about Jesus’ life, teachings and characteristics (including physical) in this lesson that may have surprised you or were different than what you previously thought.

Urgent Essay Help-Discuss several things you learned about Jesus’ life, teachings and characteristics (including physical) in this lesson that may have surprised you or were different than what you previously thought.

How is this early group of Christians still very much Jewish? In what ways are they different from traditional Jews? In what ways are they the same? Make sure to be specific and use examples from the lessons. How did these Christians view Jesus and how did it relate to their Jewish background? What kinds of things did Jesus teach that were different than traditional Judaism?

What things did Jesus say that made him suspect among both Jews and Romans? Important Note: This question is asking about these  very early Christians , in the beginnings, NOT modern Christianity. An answer about modern differences between Christians and Jews will not earn you points. This must reflect the online lesson material.

Discuss several things you learned about Jesus’ life, teachings and characteristics (including physical) in this lesson that may have surprised you or were different than what you previously thought. 

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