4 essay together 7page

essay1: economic effect migration, refugees . Area(EU, NA) 2:Global warming impact(fossil fuel,melting icerising sea level, air pollution ,forest fires,thrreat of species extinction , flooding and spread of disease ) 3:The different market system (free market system, market control,state control )describe and compare them。 what system do we (NA) live under? 4: economic effect migration refugees。EU NA EU benefit side———(Raise wages , migrant workers send hard currency back home, stimulates transnational trade and investment。stimulate transnational trade, maintains steady population growth。 creation of homogeneous news ideas , music food。) opposite side(Disruption to the society and cultures, creation of Diasporas 。 may causes downward pressure on wages。 Importing crime。 Unsustainable growth, money is not helping the economy because they send money back to their families。 )
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