Metacognitive Awareness Inventory


1) Download, Print and complete The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory:    Metacognitive Awareness Inventory.docxPreview the document

2) After completing the MAI, download, print , and score your responses following the instructions in the Scoring Guide: Metacognitive Awareness Inventory MAI Scoring Guide.docxPreview the document

3) READ/STUDY the terms and concepts associated with Knowledge about Cognition: Declarative, Procedural, and Conditional Knowledge and Regulation of Knowledge: Planning, Information Management strategies, comprehension monitoring, debugging strategies and evaluation.

4) Prepare and submit your critical and reflective thinking report in regards to your scores on the MAI Inventory and knowledge of Metacognitive processes. Include:

What kinds of strategies do you use to monitor and access your own learning?

Of the declarative, procedural, or conditional knowledge which are you more proficient? More inefficient? Give example(s).

Of planning, information management, monitoring, debugging, or evaluation strategies which are you more proficient? More inefficient? Give example(s).

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