You have been asked to help the leaders of an organisation prepare for their next strategic planning cycle. You are required to provide advice in the following ways:

1. Identify strategic management academic peer reviewed readings that have the potential to inform the future planning needs of the organisation. Select one academic, peer-reviewed article that will provide professional learning for the organisation’s board. Write a blog post that summarises the big ideas from this article, compares it to other associated readings and indicates its relevance to the organisation (suggested 500 words).

2. Use these insights from the literature to critique a strategic planning document of an organisation (or part of an organisation) and discuss the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (suggested 1000 words).

Drawing on your research and analysis from part 1 & 2, provide strategic insights that will help the organisation prepare for the future. These insights should include carefully rationalised recommendations for improvement, with appropriate examples (suggested 1000 words).

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