Course Title Design, Tech&Graphics Course Code  8336 (T) 8337(A) Unit Code  (T) (A)
Unit Title Architecture Apps Value 1.0 Accreditation Year 11/12 T/A


Teachers Elinor Archer Contact details
Faculty Arts Phone

Staffroom Arts staffroom Email
TASK: Practical Folio 2

Integration of natural and manmade environments – Biomimicry

WEIGHTING: 40% (T) 50% (A)

A-E Grade awarded

Mark out of 100

LENGTH: Concept booklet and A1 poster DUE DATE: Thurs, 9 Nov  (Week 15)
SUBMISSION: Hard copy of concept booklet to the teacher and digital submission via USB for poster ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS: Some class time will be allocated to complete this task but out ot of class time also needs to be allocated
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA –           knowledge , understanding and application

–          Design process, analysis, synthesis and evaluation

  –          Tech & communication skills

–          planning and organisation skills

BSSS POLICY: Information about all BSSS policies such as moderation procedures, calculation of unit scores and course scores, attendance requirements, penalties for late or non-submission of work or for plagiarism, and procedures for appealing against a grade or score may be found in the BSSS Policy and Procedures Manual DECLARATION: Refer to attached sheet

–          You understand the policies on plagiarism of both Dickson College and the Board of Senior Secondary Studies

–          You have kept a copy of this assessment and all relevant notes and reference material used in the production of this assessment

–          You have appropriately referenced all sources of information that are not your own, including the words, images and ideas of others



Frank Llyod Wright, Pennsylvania, 1939; Clarke, Callignee 2 (Bushfire house), Australia, 2009; Yackandandah Sawmill house, Australia, 2012


Design Brief:

‘During the modern era of human development, growth of towns and cities displayed a separation between nature and human activities. This was not the case in premodern times, when human settlements either integrated or co-existed peacefully with the nature. Architecture is the profession of designing the built environment… But this should not exclude a thorough understanding of such fields as landscape architecture, urban design and planning, and policy making. Terms like Ecological Design and Biomimetic Architecture connect to this innate sense that we as architects should learn from, respect and understand, and live with a connection to the natural landscape.’


Choose a specific site within Australia (that you know well), which demonstrates poor integration of the natural landscape and the built environment/structures. This space could also be void of any development whatsoever.  A successful project will be so wedded to the site that the work loses meaning if moved elsewhere. Your project needs to take into account the existing style of the surrounding structures and environment and draw from this in your concept development.


Use your design process in order to completely understand your chosen site and the community demographic. Your building design must use the natural environment as the key inspiration both aesthetically and conceptually, as well as demonstrating a basic understanding of landscape architecture and the interaction between nature and man-made forms. You must incorporate an understanding of green technology and sustainability in your final design. The building you design may be anything, but try to think larger scale than just a residence.


Clear understanding of the design process will structure your assignment. Present your concept through a design concept booklet with all working drawings, inspiration, research, site analysis, planning, and evaluation. Include final drawings on your poster for presentation; it is up to you how you present your ideas (min. 4 finished drawings OR 3 drawings and a scale model of your concept for presentation to class with appropriate scale and specifications)


Links/Case studies for reference:










Part 1: Concept Development Booklet


Present the following components as a concept development booklet (A4 bound and professional presented). This book will show your understanding of the design process.



  1. Brief (rewrite in your own words: ½ page-A, 1 page-T):

The brief needs to state how you plan to address the requirements of the project.

 You need to specify how you will meet these requirements with an intelligent, innovative and environmentally responsible design.


Example of student work, 2016

Use appropriate Design & Architectural terminology extensively throughout your design brief.



  • You need to articulate what is or are the drivers behind your design, what are your influences, what is the motivation for your concept?
  • What is the intention behind your design?

(eg. Will you be using the geometry of the city streets to inform your design?  Will you look back at the history of this site and use historical references to inform your design?)

  • How do you want the public to read your design?
  • What kind of space do you want to create?
  • What feelings do you want to evoke in the people who will frequent these spaces?

(Will they feel like they are part of something revolutionary and modern, or will you be taking them back to yesteryear, or will you be creating an elevation in their status, a sense of prestige, or will you be bringing them down to earth and appreciating human connections?)

  • You need to talk about sustainable (green technology) features and be able to suggest possible environmental features based on your own research. Think productive and sustainable design!
  • What is your vision?

It will then be your job to build these ideas into a creative and structurally sound solution.


  1. Research & Analysis
  2. Include (a minimum of 2) Case Studies on how the landscape architects/space designers/architects have effectively integrated natural and manmade environments and what biomimetic design is
  3. Design Aesthetics and Usability (What is the aesthetic/style and how will this been incorporated into the overarching look of the design? What is the functionality of the spaces? How does this link to your natural environment as inspiration – look closely at the natural elements!
  4. Materials (safety, durability, maintenance, functionality, etc)
  5. Space and Location (where will it be located? how your design will be incorporated with the surrounding environment? Connected to site analysis but further depth into existing environment. Ie. Traditional custodians, history of existing spaces/buildings and structures etc)
  6. Sustainability (sustainable practices used in the production and use of the design)
  7. Client connection and presentation processes (who is your client or community/demographic? How are you going to understand them? How are you going to present your final solution to them?)


You must include a bibliography and use in-text referencing. Information must be written in your own words otherwise use quotation marks.


  1. MOODBOARD – Inspiration/Influences with annotative comments

This is a collection of pictures, drawings, words and sketches that show your thought process of playing with different ideas and influences.  You can also include images, words, photographs, wrappers, objects, poetry, stories, feelings that give you ideas but your drawings and sketches are KEY to this creative process. Like a mood board!


  1. Site Analysis:

You need to represent that you have a thorough knowledge of the site.  This will allow your design to have a strong connection/relationship to the site.

You can choose to present your site analysis as either:

  1. One mapped image


  1. b) Small visuals for each aspect

Whichever option you choose, you need to use either neat labels or a key to identify the different aspects on the site analysis. The following aspects need to be studied on site:

  1. context
  2. sun path
  3. wind direction
  4. gradient of land (contours)
  5. site run off
  6. neighbouring land & properties (proximity/boundaries)
  7. vegetation (trees/plants on site)
  8. transcendentals-how does the space feel?
  9. services present on site
  10. circulation within the site


  1. Concept Design:

This is a collection of your rough sketches and drawings along the way to finalising your final design solution. This should include all drawings you have completed from the very start of the process. Minimum 10 with annotations


  1. Final Design solution

Include your final design solution drawings in your concept booklet as well as in your final design solution poster.  (Minimum 4 (T) 3 (A))


Make sure to include annotations and any drawings that didn’t make the cut for your final poster.





Part 2: Final design solution


Present the following as hand-based drawings or computer generated drawings (except for the Artists’ Impression which must be hand drawn).

  1. Plan view (topographical) with dimensions and all inclusions (name the spaces). 1:100 scale *computer based
  2. A 2 point perspective drawing to show the final space design and layout – include where the building meets the site on either side. This can be completed using the computer or hand techniques and may incorporate colour. *computer based
  3. Artists’ Impression of the Space (as a hand drawn sketch with shading) use copics or charcoal/graphite/pastel/watercolour. *computer based/hand based
  4. Detail drawing a small part of the construction at a larger scale OR built scale model

** Accredited students are only required to complete 3 drawings

Example of student work, 2016


This must be professionally presented on  either 2 A2 posters OR 1 A1 poster complete with project name, student name, id number and T/A. Your poster may include a look and feel or branding for your project. This component may be presented via digital submission.


Students will be assessed on the degree to which they demonstrate:

  • knowledge , understanding and application
  • design process, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
  • technology and communication skills
  • planning and organisation skills
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