Learning Portfolio & Reflective Journal (Human Resources management)

You can write from these three aspects of human resources on the reflection and summary, please write on the human resources of this subject’s self-reflection and ideas and what you learned:

  1. Performance Management
  2. Reward Management
  3. Talent Management

The approach to the use of a learning portfolio that is being adopted in this Unit is that it is a ‘working portfolio’ that includes samples of work-in-progress, samples of completed work and reflections on the learning process associated with the skills and knowledge learned in the Unit. The learning portfolio will not be assessed but it provides a framework and source for students to help them reflect on the various elements of assessment for their reflective journal.

The student will be required to complete and submit a reflective journal as part of the assessment in this Unit that is viewed as part of their learning portfolio. It is generally recognized that reflection is a cognitive process, that it requires the individual’s active engagement, that it involves examining the manner in which one responds to a given situation, and that there are different conceptual and practical approaches on how to reflect and how to teach reflective practice (Rogers, 2001).

Practice examples, a framework for reflection, literature on reflective practice and prompts to situating journal writing will be provided during the semester.

Reference you can use:

Hutchinson, S 2013, Strategic Performance Management, Chapter 2 In Hutchinson, S Performance Management, (pp. 25-48). Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development: United Kingdom (soft copy provided)

 Blackman, D Buick, F O’Donnell, M O’Flynn, and West, D 2013 ‘Strengthening the performance framework: Towards a High Performing Australian Public Service’, Retrieved from http://papers.ssrn.com/solw3/paperps.cfm?abstract id=2130232.

Marchington, M Wilkinson, A Donnelly, R and Kynighou, A 2016, Reward Management, Chapter 13 In M Marchington, A Wilkinson, R Donnelly, A Kynighou, Human Resource Management at Work (pp. 337-363). Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development: United Kingdom (soft copy provided)

Hsieh, YH and Chen, HM 2011, ‘Strategic fit among business competitive strategy, human resource strategy, and reward system’, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 11-32.

Ruona, WE 2014,’ Talent management as a strategically aligned practice’, In NE Chalofsky, TS Rocco and ML Morris (Eds.) Handbook of Human Resource Development, (pp. 438-455). Wiley Press, United States (soft copy provided)

Lewis, RE and Heckman, RJ 2006, ‘Talent management, A critical review’, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 16, pp. 139-154.

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