Choose one contemporary governance topic below:



  • “Directors should act in the best interests of shareholders rather than the best interests of the firm”.

Describe the actions that would be taken by directors acting in the best interests of the shareholders and acting in the best interests of the firm. (5 marks)

Discuss or provide arguments as to why directors should act in the best interests of the firm and act in the best interests of shareholders. Illustrate with reference to theory including Agency theory, Stewardship theory and Resource Dependence theory. (10 marks)

Use company examples from different countries and governance systems to illustrate your answer. (10 marks)

Referencing, writing, formatting. (5 marks)


  • Corporate Social Responsibility is now embedded in corporate practice.

Define CSR and provide an example of good CSR practice ( 5 marks)

Why you regard it is good practice. (10 marks)

Which stakeholders are important for this/these companies and how have they influenced the company’s CSR actions? (10 marks)

Referencing, writing, formatting. (5 marks).


  • Compare three organisations’ internal governance systems.

Describe the characteristics of each organisation’s governance systems. (10 marks)

Discuss how each is influenced by the country’s governance systems, laws and regulations, governance codes and history. (15 marks)

Referencing, writing, formatting. (5 marks)


Up to 10 marks is also awarded to each student individually for their contribution to the assessment item. See below.


The individual contribution of each student will be marked individually and graded out of 10 marks. This may be a draft contribution (i.e. before it has been incorporated into the final version), as the group assignment will build on each student’s individual contribution to form the whole.


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