Criterion 1 :
Research and discuss aspects of implementation or evaluation showing an awareness of the key conceptual difficulties, theoretical perspectives and debates in the literature, and relate theoretical perspectives and debates about governance to real world examples.

Criterion 2 :
Demonstrate an awareness of, and critically reflect upon, the complex and dynamic relationships between political actors and institutions at the local, national and/or international levels of governance in terms of implementation or evaluation.

Criterion 3 :
Demonstrate an academic critical capacity and development of balanced argument and evaluation .

Criterion 4 :
Apply referencing and style conventions as appropriate; in fluent English at the standard required for postgraduate study .

Task Length :
4,000 words [not including references, footnotes, captions] .

Feedback of order/ 512365
1) Demonstrate an understanding of the task by: Preparing a paper outlining your proposed research essay:
Has addressed the purpose of the task clearly with good focus.

2) Demonstrate that you can research, understand & explain implementation & evaluation policy by: Recognising and critically reflecting upon conceptual difficulties, theoretical perspectives & debates with reference to real world examples:
Good clear, well-designed plan
that identifies and
explains your likely
approach, with a good choice
of topic, theory, case study(ies) & good references.

3) Demonstrate academic capacity, balanced argument and evaluation; Constructing a plan that describes how you will be going about your research including developing your argument:
Provided a good description of how you will be developing and balancing your argument and going about your research, and a good indication of likely references, research sources.

4) Communicate effectively in writing by: Adhering to English conventions (expression, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, syntax, spelling):
Adequate English conventions (expression, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, syntax, spelling).

more feedback
This is a well thought-out and researched study plan for your research ahead. You have a a clear outline, good case studies and good quality references to start you off. You will need to be careful with your editing to ensure a flow of expression.
This is a great topic choice and we look forward to seeing this develop and unfold.

Feedback of order/ 510996
1) Addressing the set task:
Has in the main addressed the purpose of the task clearly with focus.

2) Defining concepts in the theory and literature:
Some concepts are defined; supported by scholarly literature; but relevance unclear.

3) Identifying strengths and weaknesses of different theories as they apply to practice [examples]:
Broadly identifies some strengths and/or weaknesses of theories/ models as they apply generally to policy practice/ examples.

4) Constructing a defensible position based upon evidence:
Adequately makes an argument based upon limited evidence/ research.

5) Demonstrating an academic critical capacity and capacity for evaluation:
Basic arguments in the literature relevant to your essay are identified.

6) Drawing conclusions and learnings from your discussion of the difficulties of policy implementation and evaluation:
Drew sound conclusions and some learnings from discussion of implementation and evaluation.

7) Using appropriate expression:
Some introduction to the topic evident; adequate writing style, and grammar and spelling mostly accurate; adequately structured/ formatted with paragraphing evident.

8) Adhering to English conventions (expression, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, syntax, spelling):
Inadequate English conventions (expression, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, syntax, spelling).

9) Attributing the work of others correctly:
No plagiarism; 10 or more references to support ideas; clear evidence of scholarly reading and research beyond unit materials.

10) Applying the Harvard (or substitute) referencing:
Harvard (or substitute) referencing is consistently accurate.

more feedback
This essay is sound and has addressed the main purpose of the task.
The expression was disjointed and unclear, however the improvement towards the end of the paper was significant. The structure and choice of headings was good. I think the expression could be improved and made clearer for your future work.

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