·Thesis Papers: Discuss the key socialization agents (culture, family, school, peers, media, or other societal influences) that influence gender development.

· Discuss the key socialization agents (culture, family, school, peers, media, or other societal influences) that influence gender development.

· Consider the theories presented in the Learning Resources (biosocial theories, psychoanalytic theories, social learning theory, and gender-schema theory) and select two to use for this Assignment.

· Interview an individual you know or complete a self-analysis regarding the key socialization agents (influences) in this person’s or your life regarding gender development. Use the questions in the document “Gender Analysis Questions” in this week’s Learning Resources to guide your interview or self-analysis.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following:

· Briefly introduce the individual you interviewed (or yourself), including the person’s gender identity.

· Summarize the key gender development socialization agents for this individual.

· Identify the two theories you selected, and briefly summarize how each would explain the individual’s gender development.

· Explain the relative strengths and weaknesses of each theory in explaining the gender development of the individual.

Please write as if you are being interviewed by someone.

Some readings that may help in writing paper.

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