·Professional Custom Accounting Papers: How do you think the other person(s) in the conflict viewed and defined the conflict?

·Professional Custom Accounting Papers: How do you think the other person(s) in the conflict viewed and defined the conflict?

Analyze a recent (i.e., within the last 12 months) interpersonal conflict you have directly experienced (not one described to you by a family member, friend, or coworker). In this section focus on WHAT happened to the individuals involved in the conflict. Write a narrative of the conflict and communication process as if you were telling it to another person.

Here are some questions to keep in mind (no need to answer each one; they are offered as possible items for consideration):

· What was the main issue over which the conflict occurred? What was the triggering event? What gave rise to the conflict?

· Who was involved? What were the relationships among those involved? What power, if any, was evident in the relationship(s)?

· How do you think the other person(s) in the conflict viewed and defined the conflict?

Besides the individuals directly involved in the conflict,

· What others were involved?

· How did the conflict affect them?

· What kinds of feelings did the conflict arouse in you—anger, frustration, etc.? Can you explain these emotions in terms of what the course materials and outside sources explain about conflict?

· Why is the conflict experience worthy of analysis? What can you and your reader expect to gain by examining and analyzing the interaction?

Please be specific in use of pronouns and names of people within the interaction. If you want to maintain anonymity of your conflict participants, you may create pseudonyms rather than referring to individuals by position or through some other naming device.

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